Pjevaj Maro, Pjevaj Zlato...
Greetings from the Mediterranean
Welcome for Women and Men
Pjevaj Zlato, Iako Udato
Everything Will Come To An End
Men's Games Over and Over Again
Love story in the National Park
Sustainable Privatization
Don't be afraid
Project Balkans?
iGenesis iDisappearance
Pay & P(l)ay
Artist Visa
iAdam iEve
Adam i...
Men's Games
Free Sugar
Sugar Free
Cut Copy Paste
Uncomfortable landscapes
Sans Titre
In Situ, Chateau d' Oiron
Milena Jovicevic
I've been carrying an impressive image in my head for a long time and it refuses to leave me. A smooth looking gentleman in a suit is walking his dog in a nearby park, in front of his building in the 15th arrondissment, in Paris. Above the gate of the park there is a plate depicting a man with a small shovel, scooping up the excrements of his dog to keep his neighbourhood clean. The plate reads:
It is exactly for this reason that i play with man who thinks he is God.
In his journey from the works of renaissance, with their perfectly proportioned physiques (sketch accord-ing to Vitruvius, by Leonardo da Vinci) to the “new aesthetics” of the modern age, my man dissolves and loses his identity. “Almighty” and haughty, he lives his illusion. He believes that by possessing a exaggerated, plastic body he obtains a divine power to defy the process of aging and postpone death. Quite understandably, being so “powerful”, he claims the right to the entire living world that surrounds him, applying his clichés and new life formulas to his pets. What is the next step? Silicone implants on the bodies of pets? It is not said in vain that a dog resembles his master. We are living in a society saturated with the media, with an exaggerated production to satisfy the exaggerated consumption.
The time of depression and sedatives, shopaholics, betting addicts, Internet addicts, pornholics…lay out our path through life for us, again, under the auspices of the “new freedom”, which keeps us captive. Unfortunately, the dog too is determined by the fate of its “master”, without being able to decide on its own. Everything is poised on the edge between the real and the virtual. The essence is in the application and simulation. Spiderman, a hero and a benevolent spirit, who saves the world, has left the scene and forth comes the Spiderdog.
translated by Vladimir Vulanovic

The fine looking gentleman is really carrying a small shovel in his hand and he is ready to scoop up the excrements of his dog, if it does defecate. Of course, he is additionaly encouraged to carry a small shovel around by a prospect of a fine of 3000 F=457€, if he does not. All of this is displayed on the already mentioned plate…
I ask myself: Who walks who? The man his dog or his dog him?
SUGAR FREE, is a non-sweetened story about a new social order, dominated by Various deviations of the modern society in which life in harmony with nature and Its rules is decreasingly possible. In this general disarray, where many systems of values have been fundamentally shaken up and devoid of elementary emotions, every kind of addiction and slavery is sold for “freedom”.